欧洲篮球欢迎度 【龙腾网】为什么篮球在中国如此受欢迎

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Basketball is INSANELY popular in China. It's the largest sport in the country, and the NBA is the most watched sports league in China. But this extremely western sport seems odd in the anti-western China. Why is it that basketball grew to become the most played and watched sport in the nation?篮球在中国非常受欢迎。篮球是中国规模最大的体育运动,而NBA是中国收视率最高的体育联盟。但在抵触西方的中国,这种极端西方的运动能够流行,这似乎有些奇怪。为什么篮球会成为这个国家最受欢迎的运动?

欧洲篮球欢迎度 【龙腾网】为什么篮球在中国如此受欢迎


@ASmith1917Very good! American college professor now settled in China, and basketball is literally all my male students do in their spare time (alongside video games like League of Legends). These kids are ferocious about it and I love watching them.很好!我是一个定居在中国的美国大学教授,篮球几乎是我所有男学生在空闲时间做的唯一事情(还有玩《英雄联盟》)。这些孩子对篮球非常狂热,我很喜欢看他们打球。

@stanislasbarrage7579Let’s be real for a country with 1.4 billions people getting beat by New Zealand Australia Iran and the Philippines there good but not that good现实点说,一个拥有14亿人口的国家被新西兰、澳大利亚、伊朗和菲律宾打败,他们很好,但还不够好。

@LeeGHThomasI don’t know if it could be substantiated… but I’ve read before that there are more Rockets fans in China then there are NBA fans in the US.我不知道这是否有根据……但我以前读到过,中国的火箭队球迷比美国的NBA球迷还多。

@AcrnavyWhen I was in Beijing, it never occurred to me why there were still many basketball courts around. It seemed normal to see them as an American.当我在北京的时候,从来没有想过为什么周围还有这么多篮球场。作为一个美国人,看见这些场地觉得很正常。

@dextercochran4916The real question is: why is the China so popular in the NBA?真正的问题是:为什么中国在NBA如此受欢迎?

@swzhang8393Very simply, Chinese people think that playing basketball can grow tall. Young Chinese girls like boys who play basketball, so boys run to play basketball.很简单,中国人认为打篮球可以长高。中国年轻女孩喜欢打篮球的男孩,所以男孩们跑去打篮球。

@MacVerickI played basketball in Beijing on their famous outdoor courts (I forget the name) their with players from the Chinese Olympic mens and womens teams. It was a lot of fun and I think about it often! I also met Stephan Marbury there as he was playing for the Beijing Ducks!我在北京的著名户外球场上打过篮球(名字我忘了),那里有中国奥运会男女队的球员。这很有趣,我经常想起它!我还在那里遇到了马布里,当时他正在为北京烤鸭队效力。

@moralkombat66How was it? Did you have a good time?感觉如何?你玩得开心吗?

@craigstephenson7676The army playing basketball isn’t so ludicrous it’s kinda like the military colleges in America having football teams.军队里也打篮球并不是那么离谱,就像美国的军校有橄榄球队一样。

@karlosdeevs..or the fact that the bulk of armies in the world tend to play rugby.或者事实上,世界上大部分军队都倾向于玩橄榄球。

@douglasmacarthur702Yeah, but most soldiers in the Army can’t just join the West Point Football Team. You have to be a student at West Point.是的,但大多数陆军士兵不能直接加入西点军校的橄榄球队。你必须是西点军校的学生。

@expansivegymnast1020I was literally gonna say in college sports it happens all the time.我本来想说在大学体育中这经常发生。

@xELITExKILLAxYeah but they are college students playing sports on the side. The military playing pro sports is weird because their main job is being soldiers and playing basketball is a recreational activity for them. Whereas the rest of the pro players, they are full time basketball players. That’s why it’s weird.是的,但他们是大学生,业余时间打体育运动。军队打职业体育很奇怪,因为他们的主要工作是当兵,打篮球对他们来说是休闲活动。而其他职业球员,他们是全职篮球运动员。这就是为什么奇怪。 原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@spartanx9293I mean the US army and Navy have football teams我的意思是美国陆军和海军有橄榄球队。

@muhamadivan1360In Indonesia you can see police and military have their own football team and they play in national main league在印尼,你可以看到警察和军队有自己的足球队,他们在国家主要联赛中比赛。

@xrayjohnson6972Tennis is not that popular in China. There are so few courts in China and it's relatively unbelievably expensive to play.The three most popular by far are badminton, basketball and table tennis. All the sports that have sustained their initial period of growth have 2 things in common. They are not space heavy and they had massive boosts from high profile players (Yao, and Zhuang Zedong). Badminton, although relatively space heavy tends to use sharedcourts mitigating the space difference between table tennis and badminton. What sets basketball apart in China is that it's inaccessible to the elderly but you always see them playing table tennis. Some of the Lao Yeye are legitimately fantastic.网球在中国并不那么受欢迎。中国的球场很少,而且打球相对来说非常昂贵。目前最受欢迎的三种运动是羽毛球、篮球和乒乓球。所有这些在初期增长的运动有两个共同点。它们不需要占用大量空间,而且有高调球员的大力推动(姚明和庄则栋)。虽然羽毛球相对占用空间较大,但通常使用共享球场,缓解了乒乓球和羽毛球之间的空间差异。篮球在中国的特别之处在于它对老年人来说难以接触,但你总是能看到老年人打乒乓球。有些老爷爷确实非常出色。

@KieranFreitagI've always wondered why basketball is so popular in China我一直想知道为什么篮球在中国这么受欢迎。 原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@karlosdeevsI've always wondered why Japan, Korea or the Philippines aren't as big into basketball.我一直想知道为什么日本、韩国或菲律宾对篮球的热情没有那么高。

@peterhsieh6597Baskerball court took less space then football field and more people can take part in this basketball sport.篮球场占用的空间比足球场少,而且更多人可以参与这项运动。

@NotBCTI'd have to say that the Chinese obsession with basketball started long before Yao Ming. Having travelled to the diaspora and hearing accounts from the PRC from relatives as far back as the 1980s, it seems that playing basketball and watching it on TV via legitimate means or other channels (in the PRC) was a popular pastime. Even in the U.S., I've observed the popularity of basketball in various Chinese communities pre-Yao.我不得不说,中国人对篮球的痴迷早在姚明之前就开始了。通过旅行到海外华人社区,并听到亲戚们从1980年代开始的描述,似乎在中国大陆,通过合法途径或其他渠道打篮球和看篮球比赛是一种流行的消遣。即使在美国,我也观察到姚明之前,篮球在各个华人社区中非常受欢迎。

@lik7953I agree. My parents before they left china watched Michael Jordan and his finals appearances in 97 and 98. Jordan was extremely popular there我同意。在我父母离开中国之前,他们观看了迈克尔·乔丹在97年和98年的总决赛。乔丹在那里的受欢迎程度非常高。

@henny6566I was thinking the same. Jordan made the NBA global and China was part of that globalization.我也是这么想的。乔丹让NBA走向全球化,而中国是这种全球化的一部分。

@BiafranbushboyThe appreciate the beauty of the sport without biases other groups may have. Basketball supremacy is inevitable lol.欣赏这项运动的美,而没有其他群体可能存在的偏见。篮球的至高无上是不可避免的,哈哈。

@ThePartarar“Yao Ming, arguably the best player in professional basketball” and “You can play with, 2, 8, even up to 20 players” had me dead.“姚明,可以说是职业篮球中最好的球员”,以及“你可以和2个、8个,甚至多达20个球员一起打球”这两句话让我笑死了。 原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@boygenius538_8Well 5v5 with with 5subs per team and you have 20 players. But yeah your not having 20 man pick up games.5v5每队5个替补,总共20个球员。但你不可能有20人的野球赛。

@luisch1708I'm pretty sure he meant in China我很确定他指的是在中国。

@squidboilukasso you're telling me...china be ballin?所以你是在告诉我……中国在打篮球?

@youlegelin3520Pretty accurate video! Just to add another piece of information on why soccer is not as popular as basketball in China - the time zone difference. The Europe soccer games usually play during the midnight in China, which is totally a disaster. The NBA though, usually play during morning/noon in China, which is not so good but still bearable. I used to skip my morning class to watch the game between Rockets and Lakers :)相当准确的视频!再补充一条为什么足球在中国不如篮球受欢迎的信息——时区差异。欧洲的足球比赛通常在中国的午夜进行,这简直是灾难。而NBA的比赛通常在中国的早上或中午进行,这虽然不好,但还是可以接受的。我以前常常跳过早课去看火箭和湖人的比赛 :)

@lc9245The real reason it all started was an idea that playing basketball will make your children grow taller, so Chinese parents like to send their kids to play basketball. That started the ball rolling.一切开始的真正原因是认为打篮球会让孩子长得更高,所以中国家长喜欢送孩子去打篮球。这开启了篮球的热潮。



欧洲篮球欢迎度 【龙腾网】为什么篮球在中国如此受欢迎



欧洲篮球欢迎度 【龙腾网】为什么篮球在中国如此受欢迎



欧洲篮球欢迎度 【龙腾网】为什么篮球在中国如此受欢迎



欧洲篮球欢迎度 【龙腾网】为什么篮球在中国如此受欢迎




NBA(National Basketball Association)作为全球最受欢迎的篮球联赛之一,吸引了无数篮球迷的热爱和关注。它不仅仅是运动的一种形式,更是一种文化的象征。本文将介绍NBA的历史、影响和独特之处,以及对世界篮球产生的深远影响。

NBA成立于1946年,起初名为BAA(Basketball Association of America),后来在合并了NBL(National Basketball League)后改名为NBA。从那时起,NBA就开始了它的崛起之路,逐渐成为全球最具影响力和商业价值的职业篮球联赛。





此外,NBA也在社会公益和慈善事业上发挥着积极的作用。通过NBA Cares项目,球员们参与到各种慈善活动中,关注儿童教育、环境保护和社会进步等重要议题。这一举措不仅拓展了NBA的影响力,也为球员们树立了榜样,使得他们成为社会的典范。
